About Us
Chartered in 1988, the Home Builders Association of Chester and Delaware Counties (HBA) is a 501 (c) (6), not-for-profit trade organization representing over 300 companies and professionals engaged in every aspect of the new home construction process. Our members work together to enhance the industry’s professionalism, increase economic opportunities, and to ensure a reasonable regulatory environment under which to operate.
Our Mission
To advance our Association’s mission - to provide and protect the American Dream of Homeownership for current and future generations – we engage in a number activities, events, and educational programs for the benefit of members and consumers alike. We are also actively engaged in the state and local legislative and regulatory processes, advocating for public policy initiatives and sustainable building techniques that balance the need for strong economic growth and environmental protection. The HBA stands with our federation partners, the Pennsylvania Builders Association (PBA) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), in pursuit of its mission.
Executive Officer
Lauren Adams
Marketing & Membership Director
Rachael Lutcher
1502 McDaniel Drive
West Chester PA 19380
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